Monday, August 5, 2013

Plans Underway for Branson's Veterans Week in 2013

Plans are already being made for Branson Veterans Week 2013.  The event, which is planned for November 5-11, 2013, will feature dozens of events honoring the courage and sacrifice of our nation’s veterans.

So far, plans are underway to bring back the Veterans Village and Welk Resort will once again host the Traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.  The opening ceremony show – “Vets for Vets” – will also return, but at new time, 2pm, and at a new, yet to be decided location.

Other events in the works include a POW/MIA Service at the Traveling Wall on November 6 as well as the Women Veterans Rose Petal Ceremony and Military Gala on November 9.

We will reveal more about Branson’s Veterans Homecoming Week 2013 as details become available.

Joe Bonsall-Oak Ridge Boys Sacrifice For Me

Click this link for vidio  Silver and Gold and Thee